Dead Men don't Knit Sock

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Growing Up

I called today to find out when to register DD for kindergarden. It is so hard to believe. I clearly remember wishing for a baby and now that baby will be 5 in April. I will say being a mother has been the best experience of my life. I just hope as an only child she doesn't hate that fact but sometimes things are just ment to be.
Right now I have been bouncing from project to project, I think its because of the weather. One day its rainy and the next its snowing with a few warm sunny days thrown in. On my needles are the Red Heart sweater for DD, socks for me that I can't decided on a pattern for-I only have the ribbing done, 2 sleeves for the ribby cardi and my sock pal sock. I would be further along but I frogged most of it and changed needles. Pony Pearls just don't work well with lace. My wooden ones are doing much better. I love the new socks in interweave knits so they are being added to my list also. My DH is a stay at home dad-if I could just teach him to knit my socks life would be perfect:)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

I love Lorna

I really love this yarn. I have never knit with it before but I see many socks in my future. I also really love how the colors are. I just hope they aren't to soft for my sock pal but she did say anything. I did rip some last night but that was ok because they knit up fast. I am off tom. so hopefully I will have another picture for you.
Lately at work I have been doing suduko on my lunch break. I think I may have to invest in the electric version for road trips:)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New England with a Twist

Finally decided on my sockapaloooza socks. I am using Lorna's Laces in Springer. I wanted to do cables but this yarn screamed lace. What is the twist-well I miss read the chart but it worked out ok because the first set of lace looks like flowers. Plus I figure if it looks really bad when I get the leg done I can undo it-did I really say that about something on size 1 needles? I also changed the cast on because I could not get the double cast on but the one I used looks good.
My nephew M. was baptised this weekend. We could of sold tickets to the event. His dad left my sister when she was 6 months pregnant. So he was there, her new boyfriend, that boyfriends ex-wife with her new boyfriend. Thankfully for the most part it all went well. I love my sister but she has had her run of bad luck lately so I really really hope this year gets better.
Got a sick child so must go entertain her. I also got a new book on tape so I am actually looking forward to going to work. I just love listening to them esp. mysteries. I find myself catching little things I missed. There are some really good readers and some that are just bad. I had one where you could hear the reader draw in a breath right before she would start to read. I almost didn't make it through that one.

Friday, February 10, 2006

flak alert

I have decided to join the FLAK along. I have always wanted to knit an Aran and want one that fits. So I got my yarn, joined the yahoo group. I know its fuzzy and dark but its the best I could get right now. I am using Patons classic wool in bright red. I am knitting it with a size 7 needle. Should be interesting to see if I finish it. I started SOA for my husband but only got half way. I figure this will good for when I am watching the Olympics. I also did my 100 stitch swatch but no pictures of it Sorry. Off to knit.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Sock troubles

Ok so I wanted STR for my sockapaloooza socks so I ordered them. They weren't in stock. So I ordered them from a different place. It will be a three week wait. I really really wanted to use them but I need all the time I can get to knit these socks. So the STR will have to wait. Instead I went with Lorna's Laces in the springer color way. I need something to cheer me up in all this snow. I was able to leave work early today because of the low census on the floor. While I love my job right now is UTI season and there is only so much pee one can look at. I did meet one of my patient's sister who knits her own socks. She was thrilled when she found out I knew what DPNs are. Her poor brother was just sitting in his hospital bed staring at us while we gabbed about yarn and needles:) DH is playing WOW so I guess I will get in some knitting time.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

My first link

Finally figures out how to get the button up for Sockapaloooza. I have longingly looked at the socks every year and this year finally took the plunge. I am using Socks that Rock. I will post a picture as soon as it gets here. I have seen such cute socks with it. I think I am going to use the cable and rib pattern by Nancy Bush. I love her patterns and thankfully my sock pal has the same size foot I do so I will be able to tell if they fit. The snow is still falling here in Pa. So I will post my daughter's ode to snow that would not go up yesterday. Hopefully tom. I will have pictures of my yarn. If not I will show some of the socks I am working on.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Well here in good old Pa it is nothing but snow. Even my daughter has decked herself out in all white today. I skipped the gym because I could not face going out there in all this snow. I still will need to go out for work tonight but I am hoping to get DH to clean off the car for me. ok so blogger won't let me publish any photos. Got some new books from the library to work my way through. I hate to knit at work because of all the germs (I work in the hospital) so reading is the next best thing. Off to exercise.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Still getting the hang of it

I ordered my sockapaloooza yarn today. Hubby was a little suprised at the price but I figure I will slowly get him used to it as I move into the more expensive stuff. Darling Daughter (age 4) will be spending the next few days with the Grandparents so I will have time to knit. Unfortunately I work second shift and like to sleep in so there will not be to much time. DH and I have also started to go to the gym so that will bite into some more time. Oh well my Jlo butt will be glad for the attention. Plan of order this weekend will be to work on finishing my socks Conway from knitting on the road and DD sweater made with redheart yarn she picked out herself. I am also going to get DH to show me how to add pictures:) Yeah got the picture to work! Next to try links and buttons!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

It's a first

Well after years of reading I felt it was time to start one of my own. I am a 30-something mom, wife, nurse and poker player who loves to knit socks. The best thing about on-line poker is you can knit at the same time. Now I just need to get some pictures on here.