Still getting the hang of it

I ordered my sockapaloooza yarn today. Hubby was a little suprised at the price but I figure I will slowly get him used to it as I move into the more expensive stuff. Darling Daughter (age 4) will be spending the next few days with the Grandparents so I will have time to knit. Unfortunately I work second shift and like to sleep in so there will not be to much time. DH and I have also started to go to the gym so that will bite into some more time. Oh well my Jlo butt will be glad for the attention. Plan of order this weekend will be to work on finishing my socks Conway from knitting on the road and DD sweater made with redheart yarn she picked out herself. I am also going to get DH to show me how to add pictures:) Yeah got the picture to work! Next to try links and buttons!
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