Dead Men don't Knit Sock

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New England with a Twist

Finally decided on my sockapaloooza socks. I am using Lorna's Laces in Springer. I wanted to do cables but this yarn screamed lace. What is the twist-well I miss read the chart but it worked out ok because the first set of lace looks like flowers. Plus I figure if it looks really bad when I get the leg done I can undo it-did I really say that about something on size 1 needles? I also changed the cast on because I could not get the double cast on but the one I used looks good.
My nephew M. was baptised this weekend. We could of sold tickets to the event. His dad left my sister when she was 6 months pregnant. So he was there, her new boyfriend, that boyfriends ex-wife with her new boyfriend. Thankfully for the most part it all went well. I love my sister but she has had her run of bad luck lately so I really really hope this year gets better.
Got a sick child so must go entertain her. I also got a new book on tape so I am actually looking forward to going to work. I just love listening to them esp. mysteries. I find myself catching little things I missed. There are some really good readers and some that are just bad. I had one where you could hear the reader draw in a breath right before she would start to read. I almost didn't make it through that one.


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