Sock troubles
Ok so I wanted STR for my sockapaloooza socks so I ordered them. They weren't in stock. So I ordered them from a different place. It will be a three week wait. I really really wanted to use them but I need all the time I can get to knit these socks. So the STR will have to wait. Instead I went with Lorna's Laces in the springer color way. I need something to cheer me up in all this snow. I was able to leave work early today because of the low census on the floor. While I love my job right now is UTI season and there is only so much pee one can look at. I did meet one of my patient's sister who knits her own socks. She was thrilled when she found out I knew what DPNs are. Her poor brother was just sitting in his hospital bed staring at us while we gabbed about yarn and needles:) DH is playing WOW so I guess I will get in some knitting time.
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