Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Another Update

I have discovered the wonderfull world of on-line scrabble and have been playing that lately.
I like to play poker at Fulltilt but since I only play for play money it does get boring if you do it to much. I really want to play for the real stuff but that is hard to justify when I am the only one working. DH is looking for some part-time work once DD starts kindergarden in the fall so maybe then.
DD had a friend sleep over last night. It was alot of fun but its hard to realize that I am now the adult. I remember my mom making us dinner and snacks and now I am the one who has to do it. The scariest part is being responsible for someone else's kid. DD is an only child (not for lack of trying) and sometimes I feel bad about that. Last night did show me how much work 2 is. I admire my sister who is a single mom of two. Off to knit socks and play word games.
Monday, March 06, 2006
its a leg

I have finished my first leg and am now working on my heel flap. I am hoping it goes faster from this point. Sorry the picture is so dark. Work has been very busy these last few weeks. One of my co-workers was in a serious accident and will be off for the next year trying to learn to walk again. Her son is just 2 years older then my daughter. It really makes you look at your life and see what is important. The worst part is they found open containers in the other guy's car. He had crossed the center line and it was in the middle of the afternoon. We are collecting money at work to get her a little something so she won't be so bored while she is stuck in a bed. In other news I am trying to teach my DD to knit. She does about 3 stitches and then is done but it is a start:) She likes to draw better and wants to be an artist like her daddy. I am just happy she is being creative. Off to get the DD and go see a movie.